Ouverture d'un nouveau centre Audition Pédarregaix

Publié le vendredi 28 août 2020 à 15:51

L’équipe Audition Pédarregaix a le plaisir de vous annoncer l’ouverture d’un nouveau centre à Saint Pierre d’Irube, à proximité de la clinique Belharra.   Ce laboratoire se trouve au sein du Pôle de santé LORATZEA  : 12 Allée Bordenave 64990 Saint Pierre d’Irube. Nous sommes ouverts du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 12h et de 14h à 18h. Pour plus de renseignements, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter au 05 59 14 80 84.  

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  • Mémoire utilisée par PHP : 2,91 Mo
  • Pic mémoire allouée par PHP : 4,08 Mo
  • Temps d'execution du script : 0.339 s
  • Lang : fr
  • Path : actualite-ouverture-d-un-nouveau-centre-audition-pedarregaix
  • Route : newsItem
  • $okt->page->module : news
  • $okt->page->action : item
ID Query Time
SET NAMES utf8mb4
SELECT u.*, g.*, o.logged, o.csrf_token, o.prev_url FROM
oktoV3_core_users AS u INNER JOIN oktoV3_core_users_groups
AS g ON g.group_id=u.group_id LEFT JOIN
oktoV3_core_users_online AS o ON o.ident='' WHERE
REPLACE INTO oktoV3_core_users_online (user_id, ident,
logged, csrf_token, prev_url) VALUES (1,'',
1739929456, '169a2949997166f7a1efa846a170e00873433937',
UPDATE oktoV3_mod_news SET active = 1
                           WHERE active = 3 AND NOW() >
UPDATE oktoV3_mod_news SET active = 0
                              WHERE active = 1 AND end_at !=
"0000-00-00 00:00:00" 
                              AND NOW() > end_at 
SELECT id, title, code, img, active, ord FROM
oktoV3_core_languages WHERE 1  AND code='fr' ORDER BY ord
SELECT p.id, p.user_id, p.category_id, p.active, p.selected,
p.created_at, p.updated_at, p.end_at, p.images, p.files,
p.tpl, p.visit, pl.language, pl.title, pl.subtitle,
pl.title_tag, pl.title_seo, pl.slug, pl.content,
pl.content_short, pl.meta_description, pl.meta_keywords,
pl.words, u.username, u.lastname, u.firstname, rl.title AS
category_title, rl.slug AS category_slug, r.items_tpl AS
category_items_tpl FROM oktoV3_mod_news AS p  LEFT OUTER
JOIN oktoV3_core_users AS u ON u.id=p.user_id  INNER JOIN
oktoV3_mod_news_locales AS pl ON p.id=pl.post_id AND
pl.language='fr'  LEFT OUTER JOIN oktoV3_mod_news_categories
AS r ON r.id=p.category_id  LEFT OUTER JOIN
oktoV3_mod_news_categories_locales AS rl ON
r.id=rl.category_id AND rl.language='fr' WHERE 1  AND
pl.language='fr' AND p.active=1 ORDER BY p.selected DESC,
p.created_at DESC 
SELECT m.*, 
                              ml.language, ml.title,
ml.title_tag, ml.title_seo, ml.slug, ml.meta_description,
ml.meta_keywords, ml.content FROM oktoV3_mod_map AS m  LEFT
JOIN oktoV3_mod_map_locales AS ml ON m.id=ml.id_map AND
ml.language='fr' WHERE 1  AND ml.language='fr' AND
m.active=1 ORDER BY m.created_at DESC 
SELECT p.id, p.user_id, p.category_id, p.active,
p.created_at, p.updated_at, p.images, p.files, p.tpl,
p.position, pl.language, pl.title, pl.subtitle,
pl.title_tag, pl.title_seo, pl.slug, pl.content,
pl.meta_description, pl.meta_keywords, pl.words, rl.title AS
category_title, rl.slug AS category_slug, rl.title_tag AS
category_title_tag, r.items_tpl AS category_items_tpl,
p.recipients_to, p.recipients_cc, p.recipients_bcc,
p.from_to, p.captcha, p.conversion_google, p.from_copy,
pl.subject FROM oktoV3_mod_pages AS p  INNER JOIN
oktoV3_mod_pages_locales AS pl ON p.id=pl.page_id AND
pl.language='fr'  LEFT OUTER JOIN
oktoV3_mod_pages_categories AS r ON r.id=p.category_id  LEFT
OUTER JOIN oktoV3_mod_pages_categories_locales AS rl ON
r.id=rl.category_id AND rl.language='fr' WHERE 1  AND
pl.language='fr' AND p.active=1 ORDER BY p.created_at DESC 
SELECT p.id, p.user_id, p.category_id, p.active, p.selected,
p.created_at, p.updated_at, p.end_at, p.images, p.files,
p.tpl, p.visit, pl.language, pl.title, pl.subtitle,
pl.title_tag, pl.title_seo, pl.slug, pl.content,
pl.content_short, pl.meta_description, pl.meta_keywords,
pl.words, u.username, u.lastname, u.firstname, rl.title AS
category_title, rl.slug AS category_slug, r.items_tpl AS
category_items_tpl FROM oktoV3_mod_news AS p  LEFT OUTER
JOIN oktoV3_core_users AS u ON u.id=p.user_id  INNER JOIN
oktoV3_mod_news_locales AS pl ON p.id=pl.post_id AND
pl.language='fr'  LEFT OUTER JOIN oktoV3_mod_news_categories
AS r ON r.id=p.category_id  LEFT OUTER JOIN
oktoV3_mod_news_categories_locales AS rl ON
r.id=rl.category_id AND rl.language='fr' WHERE 1  AND
pl.language='fr'  AND
ORDER BY p.selected DESC, p.created_at DESC 
UPDATE oktoV3_mod_news SET visit=visit+1 WHERE id=19
SELECT m.*, 
                              ml.language, ml.title,
ml.title_tag, ml.title_seo, ml.slug, ml.meta_description,
ml.meta_keywords, ml.content FROM oktoV3_mod_map AS m  LEFT
JOIN oktoV3_mod_map_locales AS ml ON m.id=ml.id_map AND
ml.language='fr' WHERE 1  AND m.id = 2  AND ml.language='fr'
AND m.active=1 ORDER BY m.created_at DESC 
SELECT m.* FROM oktoV3_mod_map_element AS m WHERE 1  AND
m.id_map = 2 AND m.active=1  AND m.type NOT
IN("marker","markerAddress") ORDER BY m.created_at DESC 
SELECT m.* FROM oktoV3_mod_map_element AS m WHERE 1  AND
m.id_map = 2 AND m.active=1  AND m.type
IN("marker","markerAddress") ORDER BY m.created_at DESC 
SELECT f.id, f.active, f.type, f.category, f.ord, f.html_id,
f.colonne, f.picto, f.options, f.info_personnelle, fl.title,
fl.legend, fl.description, fl.value FROM
oktoV3_mod_contact_fields f LEFT JOIN
oktoV3_mod_contact_fields_locales AS fl ON fl.field_id=f.id
AND fl.category=f.category WHERE 1  AND f.active>0  AND
f.category = "insert" AND fl.language='fr' ORDER BY ord ASC 
# type fichier ligne classe fonction message
# 1  Warning /www/ca3843/www/oktInc/classes/html/class.html.css.php 363 oktDebug errorHandler Trying to access array offset on value of type null

#0 htmlCss->autoCompileLess( called at [/oktInc/classes/html/class.html.css.php:261]

#1 htmlCss->getHtmlLessFiles( called at [/oktInc/classes/html/class.html.css.php:94]

#2 htmlCss->getCss( called at [/oktThemes/default/templates/main.php:79]

#3 require( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateRendererPhp.php:36]

#4 sfTemplateRendererPhp->evaluate( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:106]

#5 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#6 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:117]

#7 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#8 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktInc/vendor/sfTemplating/sfTemplateEngine.php:117]

#9 sfTemplateEngine->render( called at [/oktInc/classes/core/class.oktTemplating.php:60]

#10 oktTemplating->render( called at [/oktModules/news/inc/class.news.controller.php:459]

#11 newsController->newsItem( called at [/oktInc/classes/router/class.oktRouter.php:317]

#12 oktRouter->callRouteHanlder( called at [/oktopus.php:58]